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DIY: Creating the Perfect Gifts with Citrus Peels

As the days get shorter and shorter, and the sun is lower in the horizon, I am looking for ways to bring the sunshine into our lives. I always get a bounce in my step when I see Cuties at the grocery store. In our family, Cuties Citrus are the perfect snack – healthy, delicious, and so easy to peel and eat anywhere. We all love them so much we have a hard time keeping them in our house!

During the holidays, we thought we’d give Cuties Citrus as the gift for teachers at our son’s preschool. The parents of the school contribute to a fund for the teachers but we thought a small thoughtful gift would also be nice. I just bought some pretty gold bags and dressed them up with greenery and stars made from the clementine skin. They are easy to prepare and who doesn’t love a bag of Cuties?

One of the reasons I chose to give them Cuties Citrus, is that there is a story behind why they are common gifts at Christmas. My grandmother always put them in our stockings and my mother has continued this tradition. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, money was scarce and fresh fruit was considered a luxury. In addition, the segments of the Clementine’s are a symbol of the ability to share. And this is definitely one of the things the teachers have helped to teach my son.

Remember to pick up Cuties Citrus on your next trip to the grocers. They are sweet, seedless, and the perfect size for kids. Honestly, they are a snack you want to share with those you love!


This post is a partnership with Cuties Citrus. All opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting sponsored posts that keep Sacramento Street doors open.


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