I’ve been dreaming of launching this new series for quite some time. Here in San Francisco I’ve been privileged enough to meet tons of unique, creative entrepreneurs. Each has inspired me in a different way but the one thing they have in common is passion for what they do. As more and more come into my life I thought that instead of keeping them to myself, I should share them with all of you. Each person has a one of a kind workspace that I’m honored to share.

I’m debuting the series with a friend dear to my heart, Michele Janezic. She brought me into a group of women that I will forever cherish. When I was a sophomore in college Michele hired me at Erica Tanov. Being immersed in the brand and around creative minds with the company led me to where I am today. While working Saturdays with Michele we bonded over life, love for our city and dreamed about what we wanted to do and achieve in our futures. Michele had always wanted to have her own line of clothing and it has now become reality. Her line – Janezic, is my go to brand when I’m having trouble getting dressed in the morning. I know that if I put on something Janezic it will be a good day.
One thing that Michele is constantly inspiring me with are her quotes – it’s amazing what a few words can do for your soul. I asked if she had a favorite that motivates or inspires her when it comes to her business. When she sent me this quote I wrote it down and stuck it on my mirror.

Now, take a glimpse into her stunning studio where she creates every piece she produces.

A big thank you to Michele for letting me photograph and share he workspace with all of you. Be sure to check out her stunning collection – here and if you want to get inspired daily by her quotes and photos, follow her on Instagram. You won’t regret it.
Photo by Caitlin Flemming