When I heard our topic this month was morning routines, I started to ponder how we spend our mornings around here. While it varies, depending upon whether Eric is in town or not, mornings are actually one of our favorite times as a family. I shower in the evenings and as a result, there is less stress in getting out the door in the morning.
For the most part, our alarm clock is Jackson – who wakes up between 5:30 – 6:30. He will crawl into bed with us for a few minutes to snuggle before announcing: “Mama up! Papa up!” We prepare our morning tea and Jackson usually enjoys eating some fruit while playing with his beloved trains. Eric then takes Jackson for a run (one of their favorite times together) while I tidy up the house, prepare snacks for Jackson to take on his daily adventures, and get myself dressed.
While we rise early, it means we don’t feel rushed in the morning. There obviously days that are more stressful – especially when one of us is out of town or I have an early meeting, but most of the time, mornings are our calmest time of the day. And while I’d love to get a workout in or have more “me time” in the morning – I’m cherishing these mornings with Jackson before we become a family of four. I can’t wait to enjoy the walk to preschool that will begin this fall!
I’d love to know, what do your mornings look like?
Be sure to check out the other mama’s posts about their morning routines:
And be sure to check out past posts from this series!