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On the Menu: A Detoxifying Breakfast

Since we’re all on a healthy kick after eating sweets during the holidays, I wanted to share my new favorite breakfast (or even lunch) combo I’ve been whipping up courtesy of Susan of Peas and Love. Does a juice not satisfy you enough to hold you over until the next meal? Don’t fear, this detoxifying duo will keep your body happy and won’t have you thinking about what you want to eat next.

I’ve been having this for countless meals and I’m addicted.

A Detoxifying Breakfast: Avocado on Toast & Green Juice



2 pieces of Gluten-Free Bread (I like Udi’s) 1/2 an Avocado Sprinkles of Turmeric Salt and Pepper



On toasted Gluten-free toast, spoon out 1/2 an avocado and slather it on. Then sprinkle over salt, pepper and turmeric. Avocados have a rich supply of the antioxidants Vitamins C, E and beta carotene— the only true way to fight off free radicals. They’re also high in monounsaturated fat (the good fat), which is associated with lowering blood pressure, as well as essential protein and fiber.

For a cleansing, immune-boosting, revitalizing green juice, bring the following ingredients together through your juicer:



8 stalks of Celery 5 stems and leaves of Kale 1 clove Garlic 1/2″ piece of Ginger 1/2 a Lemon 1/2 a Cucumber

Happy Anti-oxidizing!

Recipe & Food Prep by Susan Whang / Photography & Styling by Caitlin Flemming


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