This summer, one of the passions my toddler has had (bordering on obsession!) is whales. It began when I was crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and spotted a whale jumping out of the water. My son in the back seat missed it but wouldn’t stop talking about wanting to see a whale. Once we were back in San Francisco, we pulled over at a lookout in the Presidio and proceeded to see a show of whales jumping and swimming on the surface. This led to us watching many whale videos and reading books about whales.

I am thrilled to announce a project near and dear to my heart – Project Orca. Munchkin, which has been a staple brand in our home since we had Jackson, has decided to kick-start a donation of $1,000,000 to develop the first sea side orca sanctuary in the United States via Project Orca. After 10 years of making a toy orca whale, Munchkin has decided to put their principles above profits and will be removing this top selling item from their Sea Squirt lineup, since the bathtub isn’t big enough for an orca.

I plan to use this kickstart as a teaching moment for my son. I hope to be able to convey to him the importance of keeping animals free in the world. For Orcas and other whales, the oceans and seas of the world are their rightful homes. Thank you Munchkin for your generous and inspirational donation to help make this a reality!
This post is a partnership with Munchkin. All opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting sponsored posts that keep Sacramento Street doors open.