Now that I’m back to work, life has started to feel like the autobahn in Germany. Activities are flying by and I’m finding little time to slow down. One thing I’ve recently begun to do that has been a great help, is getting up thirty minutes earlier each day. During this time, my goal is to wake up slowly and intentionally start slow. I always begin the day with a small pot of tea and sometimes a book. I try to avoid my phone and computer, since the remainder of the day will be “plugged in.”

I’m excited to have autumn here. There is no question that this is one of my favorite seasons. There are still the farmer’s markets but they are beginning to have fall fruits and vegetables. Crisp apples are something I always love to see appearing. Warm oversized sweaters are another item I look forward to pulling out of my closet – I’m loving this one from Cuyana. I’ve also been lengthening my evening walks to enjoy being outside just a bit longer than before.

I would love to hear from all of you. What do you do to slow down? I need all of the help I can get!
Photos by Andrea Posadas for Sacramento Street