When I first started shopping for Jackson I thought about what kind of style he would have – would he be preppy, sporty or a classic little man? It’s hard to decide before you even meet them but as I began putting together his wardrobe I found that I started to think about factors I hadn’t thought about before – where was it being made? Was it organic? What exactly was he going to be wearing . . . these are all things that I kind of brushed aside until he arrived and I started to realize it was important.

When Jackson was born, my college girlfriend Jen Hartford, who is the founder of Noble Carriage, sent us a package filled with the most beautiful baby clothes and what has become Jackson’s favorite toy – Max the Raccoon.
What I loved most was that everything inside the bundle Jen sent was high quality and organic – this is a quality company that cares about everything they sell. Each piece sold is guaranteed safe for your little one and for the world. Jen makes sure that every company she works with meets at least 3 of the site’s 5 “noble standards,” which are 100% certified organic, fair-trade, locally made, sustainable, or handmade. Watch their video here.
Since then, I have been stocking up Jacksons closet with a variety of items and each one is better than the next. He lives in his Billie Blooms and we don’t go anywhere without Max the Raccoon tagging along.

When Jen asked me if I’d partner with her on a curated bundle of “Jackson approved” favorite items, I didn’t hesitate to say yes! This bundle is filled everything he loves – a pair of Billie Blooms, an Oeuf Kimono Onesie, Grey Label Booties, a Gray Label Cardigan Sweatshirt and of course, Max the Raccoon from Hazel Village. These Noble Carriage bundles are perfect for new mamas or moms-to-be.

This is a giveaway that is near and dear to my heart. You can enter to win this Sacramento Street bundle filled with all Jackson’s favorite goodies OR win a $160 gift card to create your very own bundle! Head over to my instagram to enter. It’s easy and you won’t want to miss out!

Then head over to Noble Carriage to check out the curated shop Jackson and I created with our favorite things. It’s cuteness overload!
Photos by Gary Sexton for Noble Carriage x Sacramento Street