As we celebrate the close of our summer season, Natalie and I wanted to bring you an arrangement that depicts the epitome of summer to us. Honestly, I couldn’t think of a better arrangement to say ta-ta to summer. Read on for Natalie’s tips on roses and more!

Flowers used in this arrangement:
Sally Holmes (rose with single petals)
Crocus (peach rose)
Romantic Antique (coral rose)
Cabernet Grapes
I see that you used Grapes. What inspired you to do that?
I have been getting grapes in my veggie box every week lately and was inspired to use them in the arrangement. I love using fruit in my designs and grapes have a lovely drape to them that look so pretty over the vase line.

These roses are so delicate. Tell me about them.
I am in love with the “Sally Holmes” rose. It is an heirloom rose that grows on a bush. There are clusters of blooms on each stem and each blossom has a single row of petals. I love how delicate they are and that with the few number of petals their yellow center is really visible.
Are we in rose season? Where are these from?
All of these roses are from Sonoma, which is about an hour north of San Francisco. Roses have two cuttings which means they bloom twice each season. We are seeing some beautiful varieties right now, including the soft feminine Crocus that I also used in this arrangement.

If roses wilt, is there any way to save them?
Yes! Roses should always be cut at an angle and put in plenty of water. Some people even suggest that you cut the stem under water so that the air never seals the skin. If a rose is soft and wilted but not dead, you may horizontally submerge the rose in warm water for thirty minutes and it will revive!