With my upcoming trip on the horizon to London and Morocco, I’ve been working away on design projects, collaborations and more in preparation for the trip. I can’t wait to get on the plane in a week and a half. But in the meantime there are going to be a lot of fun posts on the blog between now and then – a new workspace feature, a recent project that just got unveiled today (stay tuned for more on that), some delicious recipes I’ve been testing, a giveaway with a Bay Area company I love, and much more!
A few things inspiring me this week – a postcard from Wayfare Magazine about traveling, the Wallpaper guide to Marrakech, my passport (thank goodness I found it), and my iPad that I’m filling with books. If you have any book recommendations or spots I should put on my list to see if London or Marrakech – please leave a comment. I love getting recs from people.
I hope all of you have a productive week ahead!
Photo by Caitlin Flemming