This weekend I suddenly got the urge to make a massive to-do list of everything I wanted to accomplish in our apartment this summer. It’s lengthy – from organizing closets, our pantry, the office, the linen closet, to installing wallpaper in our bathroom, to painting the guest bedroom . . . the list goes on and on. Sometimes I get caught up in my client projects and getting them settled and organized that I forget about my own life. This summer that isn’t happening. I’m carving out weekends to get these things checked off my list. It’s always hard for me to begin these projects because first comes the mess but then in the end it’s so worthwhile. Do you ever find yourself having the urge to finally organize every nook in your home?
Over the weekend, with the help of my mom, I was able to purge through my entire closet. It was quite a task! We took every single piece of clothing out and if I hadn’t worn it in the last year, it was going to Goodwill. Friends, Goodwill got a goldmine. Four trash bags later and two for my local consignment store and we were done. Can I just tell you that being back to actually seeing my clothes has already made my mornings that much sweeter. It was the perfect way to step into a new month.
My goal for this summer – get organized! What are you goals for these summer months ahead?
Photo by Caitlin Flemming