On June 5th, our family grew with the addition of our sweet Amelia. It feels as if she has always been with us – we are all so happy she is here! Jackson has shown his tender and loving side and showers her with kisses (and much to our chagrin, licks!) and tries to comfort her when she is crying.

Amelia looks so much like Jackson did when he was this age but her personality seems different. I can already see the difference between having a boy and a girl! She has been such an easy baby (knock on wood) – something I wasn’t expecting but have happily embraced. It probably feels easier due to the fact that she breastfed immediately, something I struggled with Jackson. It's amazing how fast they grow. There are moments when I can’t believe she’s already a month old. We are trying to enjoy every minute, as we know this time passes so quickly. My days were definitely spent on the sofa gazing into Amelia’s eyes!

Thanks for being understanding with my absences on posting. It was a treat taking a little quality time off to take in this transition to a family of four. To everyone that has been sending their sweet comments on instagram – thank you!
I’ve got some great posts in the making – new SF finds, tabletop inspiration, interior projects to share and much more!
Photos by Andrea Posadas