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New Year, New Inspirations

New Inspirations

Saying goodbye to 2014 is a little bittersweet – it was an incredible year being pregnant and welcoming our little man into the world. I promise, more is coming soon about the birth story and everything I’ve learned in these first few weeks of being a mom.

The past three weeks have been some of the best of my life, which has brought on a whole new meaning for life. Although I can’t predict what each day will bring, each amazing moment and challenge make me love life even more. This year, my resolutions, or as I like to call them ‘inspirations,’ are a little bit more focused on motherhood.

Be in the moment.

Enjoy each second I get to spend with my family. I’ll be cherishing this time with baby Jackson – he’s already growing so fast I know that in a blink of an eye he’s going to be running out the door.

Start using the cookbooks in my pantry.

I’ve been wanting to cook my way through the dozens of cookbooks that sit in our pantry. This year it’s happening.


Plan a few trips to show Jackson this beautiful world we live in. Although they may be small trips near home, it’s important to still pursue something I love that I can share with him.

Buy fewer and better things.

My philosophy is quality versus quantity. I’m going to continue that this year but only purchasing things for our home and my closet that will last. Last year, I made this resolution and all the pieces I’ve bought I still love!

Be the best mom I can be.

Through the good times and hard times being a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. During the hard times I need to remind myself of the beautiful moments we have together. I know it’s going to take some time to get used to this new schedule and life change, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Each day, I feel as though I’m learning something new – whether it’s something a fellow mom has shared with me or I’ve learned on my own. Taking each day at a time is going to be key.

What are your goals for 2015? I’d love to know!

Photo from automatism


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