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Blooms in Season: December

Blooms in Season: December | Sacramento Street

Tis the season for wreath making. For the last Blooms in Season post of 2014, Natalie and I wanted to do something a little different. We’ve featured beautiful arrangements all year long helping inspire and teach you what flowers are in season. We’ve both been asked by family, friends and readers about the details that go into wreath making. I can honestly say, I had no clue. I usually venture down to the flower market after Thanksgiving to buy mine.

That’s when Natalie and I decided it would be fun to put together a simple and easy wreath making tutorial for all of you to use. What I quickly learned from Natalie is that it’s not that hard and it’s quite fun to play around with the greenery and branches in order for the wreath to reflect your style.

Read on to learn more from Natalie!

Blooms in Season: December | Sacramento Street

Wreath Making Step – by – Step:

1.) Making a wreath is far easier than it may appear. Once you have your supplies it is easy to play around and a get a feel for how it all comes together. The first tip is to have a wire wreath-ring. This is the frame and backbone of your wreath. With medium gauge wire and a pair of clippers, you will be able to make a beautiful wreath.

Blooms in Season: December | Sacramento Street
Blooms in Season: December | Sacramento Street

Blooms in Season: December | Sacramento Street

2.) Start your wreath by gathering some of your foliage and attaching it to the ring and then repeat and add in a circular direction. Personally, I like to start in the lower left corner, where I usually concentrate more of the design, and move around the ring in a counter clockwise direction. You will feel this part out, and depending if you are right or left handed, you may go in a different direction.

Blooms in Season: December | Sacramento Street

3.) While designing the wreath, I keep in mind the overall shape that I want the wreath to have, whether it is asymmetrical or full and even. I continue to add as I go around in a circle but once I am done I always go back and fill in where I want to make the wreath more dramatic. This is the stage that could go on forever. It can be hard to know when to stop!

Blooms in Season: December | Sacramento Street

4.) Once you are done you can either hang the wreath on a nail, a wreath hook on the door, or create a little hook in the back with a wire. You can even use ribbon and tie it to the wreath to hang it lower. Like all arranging, there is no right and wrong way to do it. Once you have your materials it is up to you to create and play.

I hope all of you enjoyed all of the arrangements Natalie and I created together this year. We have a lot more in store for you in 2015!

Wreath by Natalie Bowen Designs | Photos by Heather Day for Sacramento Street


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